, Why Email Newsletters are the Missing Ingredient to Your Marketing, Odysys

August 21, 2018

Why Email Newsletters are the Missing Ingredient to Your Marketing

The number one marketing mistake I see innkeepers & hoteliers making today is that they are not sending a monthly email newsletter.

So we launched an email newsletter marketing service to remove the barriers of time, technology and content that prevents innkeepers from sending email newsletters. This post will explain why email is such a vital part of your marketing.

Email Newsletters are a Competitive Advantage

If 80% of your peers are not sending a monthly email newsletter, then you will instantly have the advantage over 80% of your competition.

, Why Email Newsletters are the Missing Ingredient to Your Marketing, Odysys

Get Your Marketing Priorities Straight

The top reasons innkeepers cited for not sending an email newsletter every month are time, technology and content. This is understandable, I know how hard it is to do and how much time it can take. But email is so effective and so profitable compared to other marketing tactics, it should be a priority for innkeepers. That's why we created our service.

Email is Profitable

, Why Email Newsletters are the Missing Ingredient to Your Marketing, Odysys
The return on investment for email marketing regularly tops that of other marketing activities.

Email is Preferable

, Why Email Newsletters are the Missing Ingredient to Your Marketing, Odysys
Your past guests and email subscribers actually want to hear from you via email. 85% want to hear from you every month.

Email is Mobile

, Why Email Newsletters are the Missing Ingredient to Your Marketing, Odysys

Email is with people when they are on the go. Email newsletters are optimized for mobile devices.

Email is Visible

, Why Email Newsletters are the Missing Ingredient to Your Marketing, Odysys
Simply including your best Facebook posts in an email newsletter will get them seen by 5x more people.

Email Makes Your Other Marketing Efforts More Effective

The most powerful thing about email is that it makes your other marketing efforts much more effective. You are already working hard at getting visitors to your website and followers to your Facebook page. A consistent, effective email newsletter will drive repeat guests and new bookings. Focus on increasing your subscriber list.

Here's a few tips for increasing the number subscribers you have.

  • Get guests to sign up to your email newsletter. Convert them into repeat guests. It doesn't matter if they came from an OTA like Expedia or Booking.com and you paid a commission. If you can get them to become a repeat guest - that commission looks better and better.
  • Ask website visitors to subscribe. Visitors to your website are at different stages of their travel journey. Not all are ready to book now. Email makes it easier to turn more visitors into bookings. Add a subscription form to your website. Popular email newsletter platforms like Mailchimp make adding a pop-up subscription form to your website easy to do. Make your pitch compelling by offering exclusive subscriber-only deals and travel tips.
  • Capture subscribers from your social media efforts. Add a newsletter subscription form to your Facebook page. Periodically incentivize your Facebook followers to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Post your newsletter to your Facebook page. Be sure to promote your latest newsletter to your social media following. Most email newsletter platforms will make it easy to share your latest newsletter.

A Few More Stats About Email Newsletters

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Want to Learn More About our Email Newsletter Marketing Service?

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 - This affordable & effective email newsletter marketing service is available to any property, you don't have to be an Odysys Website customer.

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