It’s not news to anyone in the hospitality industry smartphone use among travelers is on the rise. To drive direct bookings, it’s no longer enough just to have a website. You need a site that works across all devices, because:
- In the first 6 months of 2014, nearly 16% of hotel bookings came from tablets and mobile devices. That’s an increase of 86%.
- Revenue from mobile bookings has gone up 123%.
- Visits to hotel websites by people on desktop computers decreased 16%
- Visits to hotel websites by people on mobile have gone up 51%.
- Mobile bookings are up 86%
- 42% of leisure travelers downloaded a travel app because the brand mobile site was not satisfactory.
- It’s not all smartphones: 40% of tablet owners are interested in making a booking on their device.
The mobile revolution isn’t coming, it’s here. Hotels with mobile-friendly booking engines will find themselves with higher occupancy than those that don’t.
To see an infographic about how travelers use smartphones to research and book, click the image below.
Sources: Google; Hudson Crossing; HeBS Digital; Think with Google